[PDF] Principles and Practices of Banking [2023 Edition] by IIBF

Are you preparing for the JAIIB exams and seeking a comprehensive resource to elevate your study game? Look no further! The ‘Principles & Practices of Banking [2023 Edition]’ by IIBF, published by Macmillan, is the ultimate guide you need.

This meticulously crafted book offers in-depth coverage of crucial banking concepts, tailored specifically for JAIIB aspirants. Accessible in PDF format, it ensures you have the flexibility to study anytime, anywhere.

Equip yourself with the latest insights and ace your exams with confidence using the Principles & Practices of Banking by IIBF PDF. Dive in and take the first step towards your banking career success!


For JAIIB & DBF Exams

The book titled ‘Principles and Practices of Banking’ acquaints both current and future professionals in banking and finance with an extensive and highly relevant selection of banking services, products, and operations. Understanding these topics is crucial for becoming a capable professional in the field.


Great attention has been given to ensuring the information presented is current and factually accurate. This book aims to direct knowledgeable bankers or those aspiring to enter the field towards a prosperous career.

Book Details:-

Book Name:Principles & Practices of Banking – IIBF
Edition:2023 (1st Edition)
No of Pages:961 Pages
File Type:PDF (Downloadable)
PDF Size:10.9 MB

Inside the Book:


  • Banker-Customer Relationship
    Requirements to be Called a Bank, Banker-Customer Relationship, Bank as a Trustee, Bailee-Bailor Relationship, Agent-Principal Relationship, Lessor and Lessee, Indemnifier and Indemnified, Different Deposit Products or Services, Services to Customers and Investors
  • AML-KYC Guidelines
    Money Laundering & Financing of Terrorism Risks, AML Framework in India, Know Your Customer Policy, Organisational Set-up for AML, Obligations under PMLA, Risk Management, Obligations under International Agreements, FATF Identified Jurisdictions, Correspondent Banks, Reporting Under FATCA/ CRS, Reporting Obligations, Implications of Non-compliance of PMLA Obligations, Secrecy Obligations
  • Operational Aspects of KYC
    Know Your Customers (KYC) Norms, Wire Transfers, Other Operations – Regulations, Central KYC Records Registry (CKYCR), Monitoring of Transactions
  • Opening Accounts of Various Types of Customers
    Personal Accounts, Accounts of Other Customers, Norms for Opening Current Accounts, Obtaining Photographs of Account Holders, Legal Entity Identifier
  • Operational Aspects of Deposit Accounts
    Salient Feature of Deposit Accounts, Interest on Deposit Accounts, Prohibitions & Exemptions, Inoperative Accounts & Unclaimed Deposits, Operational Instructions in Joint Accounts, Nomination Facility, Other Operational Guidelines, Attachment Orders, Procedure for Submission of Records to Statutory Authorities
  • Operational Aspects of Handling Clearing/Collection/Cash
    Cheque Truncation System (CTS), RBI Guidelines on Collection of Instruments, Cash and its Custody, Security Arrangements at Branches and ATMs
  • Banker’s Special Relationship
    Mandate – Definition, Power of Attorney (POA) – Definition, Banker’s Lien, Right of Set-off, Right of Appropriation
  • Foreign Exchange Remittance Facilities for Individuals
    Evolution of FEMA, Definitions, Bringing in and Taking out Foreign Exchange, Inward Remittances, Outward Remittances, Indo – Nepal Remittance Scheme
  • Operational Aspects of NRI Business
    Permitted Accounts in India for NRIs and PIOs, Accounts in India of Foreign Nationals Visiting India, Special Non-Resident Rupee Account – SNRR Account, Remittance of Assets Held by NRIs/ PIOs, Acquisition and Transfer of Immovable Property in India by a Non-Resident Indian (NRI), Creation of Charge on Immovable Property in India, Repatriation of Income and Sale Proceeds of Assets Held Abroad by NRIs, Investments by NRIs/ PIOs
  • Foreign Currency Accounts for Residents and Other Aspects
    Types of Accounts Permitted, Foreign Currency Denominated Accounts in India, Permitted Foreign Currency Accounts Outside India, Remittance of Assets by Foreign Nationals not Being PIOs, Modes of Acquiring Property Outside India by a Resident, Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 2010
  • Cash Management Services and Its Importance
    Developments in CMS, Importance of Cash Management System, Types of Cash Management Services, Challenges and Issues
  • Payment and Collection of Cheques and Other Negotiable Instruments
    Negotiable Instruments Act, Payment of a Cheque, Payment in due course – Section 10, Liability of the Paying Bank – Section 31, Collection of Cheques – Duties of a Collecting Bank, Endorsement of Cheques, Crossing of Cheques, Forged Instruments, Bouncing (Dishonour) of Cheques, Cheque Truncation System
  • Responsibility of Paying Bank
    Negotiable Instruments Act and Paying Banks, Liability of Paying Banker when Customer’s Signature on the Cheque is Forged, Payment to be in Due Course for Bank to Seek Protection, Payment in Good Faith without Negligence of an Instrument on which Alteration is not Apparent, Payment by Bank Under Mistake Whether Recoverable, Cheque Truncation
  • Responsibility of Collecting Bank
    Statutory Protection to Collecting Bank, Duties of the Collecting Bank
  • Ancillary Services
    Remittances: Introduction, Demand Drafts (DD) and Banker’s Cheques (BC), Mail Transfer (MT), Telegraphic Transfer (TT), National Electronic Funds Transfer System (NEFT), Real Time Gross Settlement System (RTGS), Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Scheme, Mobile Banking in India, Electronic/Digital Payments, Safe Deposit Lockers, Portfolio Management Services, Merchant Banking, Government Business, Levying of Service Charges
  • Financial Inclusion & Financial Literacy
    Financial Inclusion by Extension of Banking Services, Use of Mobiles/Tablets in Financial Inclusion Drive, Financial Literacy, Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETI)
  • Customer Service Guidelines
    Customer Service in Banks, Policy for General Management of the Branches, ATM Operations, Security Issues and Risk Mitigation Measures, Service at the Counters, Information to the Customers, Special Arrangements at Branches, Other Provisions
  • Duties & Rights of a Banker and Customer Rights
    Duty of Secrecy & Confidentiality, Duty of Reasonable Care, Garnishee or Attachment Order, Bank’s Rights, Customer Awareness, Banking Codes and Standards Board of India, Obligations on the Customer
  • Grievance Redressal & RBI Integrated Ombudsman Scheme 2021
    Model Policy on Grievance Redressal, Internal Machinery to Handle Customer Complaints/ Grievances, The RBI – Integrated Ombudsman Scheme
  • The Consumer Protection Act, 2019: Preamble, Extent and Definitions
    Purpose of The Act, Preamble and Extent, Act not Overriding on Any Other Law, Salient New Aspects of CPA 2019, Definitions, Various Fora, Consumer Protection Councils, Central Consumer Protection Authority, Consumer Disputes Redressal Commissions, Jurisdictions of Commissions, Complaints to District Commissions, Complaints to State Commissions/ National Commission, Appeals Against Orders of District/ State Commission, Other Aspects, Mediation Process, Product Liability, Unfair Contracts, Data Protection, The CPA 2019 and Banking Services
  • The Right to Information Act, 2005
    Applicability, Definitions, Right to Information, Obligations of Public Authorities, Designation of Public Information Officers, Procedure for Obtaining Information, Disposal of Request, Appeal, Orders in Appeal, Central Information Commission, State Information Commission, Penalties, Act to Have Overriding Effect


  • Principles of Lending, Different Types of Borrowers, and Types of Credit Facilities
    Principles of Lending, Types of Borrowers, Types of Credit Facilities, Fund Based Working Capital Facilities, Term/ Demand Loans, Non-fund Based Facilities, Other Credit Facilities
  • Appraisal and Assesement of Credit Facilities
    Credit Appraisal, Credit Appraisal techniques, Methods of Assessment of Loans, Assessment of Working Capital, Assessment of Term Loan
  • Operational Aspects of Loan Accounts
    Interest Rates on Loans, Credit Management, Credit Monitoring, Common Operational Terms/Aspects in Loan Functions, Operational Process of Handling Loans, Accounting Aspects of Loan Products, Basic Operating Instructions on Loan Products, Operating Manual for Loans and Advances, Sample Operating Instructions, Operational Aspects of a Few Common Loan Products, Guidelines on Recovery Agents Engaged by Banks, Fair Practices Code for Lenders
  • Types of Collaterals and Their Characteristics
    Effectiveness of Securities, What are ‘Secured Loans’ and ‘Unsecured Loans’?, Types of Securities, Land and Buildings, Goods, Documents of Title to Goods, Advances against Life Insurance Policies, Advance Against Shares, Advance Against Debentures, Loan against Book Debts, Loan against Term Deposits, Loan against Gold Ornaments, Supply Bills, Vehicle Finance
  • Different Modes of Charging Securities
    Meaning and Essentials of a Contract, Contract of Agency, Contract of Bailment, Types of Charges, Registration of Charges
  • Documentation
    Different Types of Documents, Documentation Procedure
  • Non-Performing Assets/ Stressed Assets
    Definition, Income Recognition, Computation of Gross Advances, Gross NPA, Net Advances, and Net NPA, Asset Classification, Provisioning Norms, Writing Off of NPAs, NPA Management – Requirement of Effective Mechanism and Granular Data, Framework for Resolution of Stressed Assets, Prudential Norms Applicable to Restructuring , Other Aspects
  • Important Laws Relating to Recovery Of Dues
    Introduction to Recovery of Debts and Bankruptcy Act, 1993 (DRB), Introduction To SARFAESI Act, Introduction To The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 513, Introduction To The Legal Services Authorities Act, 513, Introduction To The Law of Limitation
  • Contracts of Indemnity
    Contract of Indemnity Defined , Distinctive Features of Indemnity Contract and Guarantee, Rights of an Indemnity Holder, Implied Indemnity, Enforceability of Contract of Indemnity, Scope and Application of Indemnity Contracts to Banks
  • Contracts of Guarantee & Bank Guarantee
    Parties to the Contract, Basic Principles of Contract to be Complied, Consideration, The Liability of the Surety, Continuing Guarantee, Revocation of a Continuing Guarantee, Death of Surety, Variance in Terms of the Contract, Discharge of Principal Debtor, Forbearance to Sue, Surety can Claim His Dues from the Principal Debtor, Security, Implied Promise by the Principal Debtor to Indemnify the Surety, Misrepresentation Made by the Creditor, Co-sureties for the Same Debt, Release of One Co-surety does not Discharge Other, Bank Guarantees, Various Types of Bank Guarantees, Banker’s Duty to Honour Guarantee, Issuance of Bank Guarantee – Precautions to be Taken, Payment Under Bank Guarantee – Precautions to be Taken
  • Letters of Credit
    Letters of Credit – General Consideration, Parties to a Letter of Credit, Types of Letters of Credit, Documents Under a Letter of Credit, Uniform Customs and Practices for Documentary Credits – UCPDC 600, Payment Under Letter of Credit – Banks Obligation Primary
  • Deferred Payment Guarantee
    Purpose of Deferred Payment Guarantee, Method of Payment
  • Laws Relating to Bill Finance
    Class of Bills and Laws Governing Bills, Classification of Bills, Various Types of Bill Finance, Bill Finance and Legal Position of a Banker
  • Personal Finance
    Credit Card, Home Loans, Personal Loans, Consumer Loans
  • Priority Sector Advances
    Applicability, Targets/Sub-Targets for Priority Sector, Categories of Priority Sector,
    Non-Achievement of Priority Sector Targets, Common guidelines for Priority Sector Loans, Other Modes of Lending to Priority Sectors, Other Aspects Related to Priority Sector Lending
  • Agricultural Finance
    Short-Term Loans, Medium/Long-Term Loans, Crop Loan, Revised Scheme for Issue of Kisan Credit Card (KCC), Selected Activities Under Agricultural Financing, Minimum Support Prices Scheme, Prime Minister Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)
  • Finance to MFIs/Co-Lending Arrangements With NBFCs
    Background, Bank Borrowings – Source Of Finance for NBFCS, Bank Finance to NBFCS, Bank Loans to NBFCS for On-Lending, Bank Loans to NBFCS-MFIs, NBFC-MFI – Channelising Agent for Special Government Schemes, Co-Lending by Banks and NBFCS to Priority Sector, Framework for Scale Based Regulation (SBR) for Non-Banking Financial Companies
  • Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in India
    Aim of MSMEs, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 667, Policy Package for MSMEs – Credit/Finance, Measures for Promotion, Development and Enhancement of Competitiveness of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Delayed Payments, Trade Receivables Discounting System (TReDS), Performance and Credit Rating Scheme, Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises, Cluster Based Approach in Financing MSMEs, Common Guidelines / Instructions for Lending to MSME Sector
  • Government Sponsored Schemes
    Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM), Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM), Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), MUDRA Loans, Khadi Village Industries Commission (KVIC)
  • Self-Help Groups
    SHG – Definition, Need for SHGs, Forming SHGs, SHGs Under DAY-NRLM/ DAY-NULM Schemes, SHG- Bank Linkage Programme


  • Essentials of Bank Computerisation
    Bank Computerisation, Networking Technologies in Banks, Uninterrupted Power System (UPS), Core Banking, Data Warehousing and Data Mining
  • Operational Aspects of CBS Environment
    Functions Performed by CBS, Flow of Transactions in CBS, The Accounting of Transactions in CBS, End of Day (EOD) And Begin of Day (BOD) Operations, End of Day (EOD) Operations, Password Control, Parameter/Master File, Logical Access Control, Operational Aspects of Security Control in CBS, Role and Responsibilities of the Bank Under CBS
  • Alternate Delivery Channels – Digital Banking
    Alternate Delivery Channels, Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), Electromagnetic Cards, Electronic Banking, Customer Protection–Limiting Liability of Customers in Unauthorised Electronic Banking Transactions, Harmonization of Turn Around Time (TAT) and Customer Compensation for Failed Transactions Using Authorised Payment Systems
  • Data Communication Network and EFT Systems
    Data Communications Networks, Network Scenario in India: Major Networks, Emerging Trends in Communications Networks for Banking, Evolution of EFT Systems, Structured Message Transfer System Using SWIFT, Automated Clearing Systems, Two-Level Funds Transfer System, Emergence of Electronic Payment Systems in India
  • Digital Payment Systems – NPCI
    Electronic Clearing Systems in India, National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI), Digital Initiatives by the Government of India
  • Impact of Technology Adoption and Trends in Banking Technology
    Trends in Technology Developments, Role and Uses of Technology Upgradation, Global Trends in Banking Systems, Impact of Information Technology on Banks, Some emerging technology trends in Banking
  • Security Considerations and Mitigation Measures in Banks
    Risk Concern Areas, Different Types of Threats, Control Mechanism, Computer Audit, Information System Audit (IS Audit), Information System Security (IS Security), Modus Operandi of Online Frauds and Cyber Security Awareness, IT Resources Evaluation Requirements, Disaster Recovery Management
    Objective, Legal Framework for Electronic Transactions Information Technology Act, G. Gopalakrishana Committee Report, Cyber Security Framework in Banks, Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021 by RBI Operational Aspects of Cyber Crimes/Fraud Risk Management in Cyber Tech Fraud vs Crime, Phases of an Effective Incident Response Plan
  • Technology Trends in Banking, e-RUPI, Fintech – RegTech, SupTech, Hashtag Banking etc.
    e-RUPI, Fintech/Reg Tech/Sup Tech, Social Media Banking, Hashtag Banking, Account Aggregators, Open Banking


  • Ethics, Business Ethics & Banking: An Integrated Perspective
    Values and Ethics, Ethics and Business Values, Business Ethics – Definition, Principles and Practice, An Ethical Crisis: Is Business Ethics an Oxymoron?, Ethical Foundation of Banking: Finance Depends on Trust, Ethical Foundation of Being a Professional, Banking Ethics in Global Context: Enron and Its Lesson, Global Financial Crisis, Ethics in Indian Context: Satyam and Its Lessons, An Indian Bank Case Study
  • Ethics at the Individual Level
    Values, Norms, Beliefs and Their Role, Core Values: The Value of a Value, Morality and Personal Values, Value – Conflicts: How Should I Live?, Personal Ethics and Business Ethics: Individual Integrity and Responsibility, The Golden Rule, Understanding Right and Wrong: Doing the Right Thing, Ethical Reasoning and Real-World Application, Ethical Dilemmas: Resolving Ethical Dilemmas, A Framework of Ethical Decision-Making
  • Ethical Dimensions: Employees
    Abuse of Official Position: Insider Trading, Proprietary Data, Bribes, etc., Obligations to Third Parties, Job Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Managing Conflict of Interests, Fair Accounting Practices: Related Party Transactions, HRM Ethics, Principles of Representation and Work Environment, Employees as Ethics Ambassadors & Managers as Ethical Leaders
  • Work Ethics and the Workplace
    What Is Work Ethics? Something Bigger Than the Self, Ethical Behaviour at The Workplace: Benefits, Recognising Ethical Workplaces, Unethical Behaviours: Causes and Remedies, Conducting Personal Business During Office Time, Taking Credit for Others’ Work, Ethical Lapses and Organizational Culture, Ethics of a Banker, Whistleblowing in Banks, Whistleblowing Law in India
  • Banking Ethics: Changing Dynamics
    Ethics and Technology, Data Security and Privacy, Intellectual Property Rights, Patents and
    Proprietary Rights, Ethics of Information Security

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