[PDF] History of Modern India by Bipin Chandra – 2020 Edition

The history of Modern India by Bipin Chandra is an essential book for anyone wanting to understand the cultural, political and economic history of India from the late 18th century to the 21st century. This 2020 edition of the book is a comprehensive guide to the major developments and key events that have shaped the India we know today.

History of Modern India by Bipin Chandra PDF
History of Modern India by Bipin Chandra PDF

The book covers topics such as the Indian Renaissance, the growth of national movement, the formation of the Indian Union, and the rise of India as a major economic power. Through the use of primary sources, such as historical documents, artifacts, and photographs, this book provides an in-depth look into the history of India and the important events that have led to its modern identity. It is an essential resource for anyone wanting to gain a deeper understanding of India’s past and its current position in the world.

The 2020 edition of the book ‘History of Modern India’ by Bipin Chandra is a comprehensive and informative study of the history of India from the 18th century to the present day. Written by one of the most renowned historians of India, the book is an invaluable resource for students and scholars alike. It examines the socio-economic, political and cultural changes that took place in India during the period of British rule and the struggle for independence. It also looks at the post-independence period and the development of modern India. The book includes detailed analysis of various social, economic and political issues, as well as key figures and events in the nation’s history. It is an essential resource for anyone wishing to gain a thorough understanding of the history of modern India.

History of Modern India PDF [2020 Edition]

History of Modern India (2020 edition - Bipan Chandra
History of Modern India (2020 edition – Bipan Chandra

This book covers the history of the British colonization of India. It is based on the author’s research and numerous scholarly papers on Indian nationalism and colonialism. It disputes and revises old policies from both imperialists and nationalists, shifting away from the traditional narrative to emphasize the interconnections between history, politics, economics, sociology, and other related fields. The book attempts to study different social forces, organizations, and individuals to grasp why certain events came to pass and assess the effects of such occurrences within a chronological framework.

This book takes a deep dive into the political, economic and social framework of India in the eighteenth century to understand why India was subjugated by the British East India Company and the British Crown. It also looks into the influence of the British rule in India and how it shaped the economy through trading and investments. The wars with Nepal, Afghanistan and the annexation of Burma are a few of the foreign policies of British India that are discussed. Moreover, it explores how the native people of India raised their voices through tribal and peasant uprisings. These uprisings reached their peak in the Revolt of 1857 but the protests against the British rule did not end there. The author has put together the various forms of resistance in order to provide readers with a comprehensive view of the situation.

Book Details:-

Book Name:History of Modern India
Author/Publisher:Bipin Chandra
No of Pages:412 Pages
Delivery Method:PDF (Downloadable)
Delivery Time:Instant (Less than a Minute)
PDF Size:2.44 MB

Inside the Book:-

The Decline of the Mughal Empire

Causes of the Decline of the Mughal Empire

Indian States and Society in the Eighteenth Century

Hyderabad and the Carnatic
Areas around Delhi
Bangash Pathans and Rohelas
The Sikhs
The Rise and Fall of the Maratha Power
Social and Economic Conditions of the People
Social and Cultural Life

European Penetration and the British Conquest of India

A New Phase in Europe’s Eastern Trade
The Growth of the East India Company’s Trade and Influence,
The Anglo-French Struggle in South India
British Occupation of Bengal
Dual System of Administration of Bengal
Wars Under Warren Hastings (1772–85) and Cornwallis (1786–93)
Expansion under Lord Wellesley (1798–1805)
Expansion under Lord Hastings (1813–22)
The Consolidation of British Power (1818–57)

The Structure of Government and the Economic Policies of
the British Empire in India, 1757–1857

The Structure of Government
British Economic Policies in India (1757–1857)
Land Revenue Policy

Administrative Organisation and Social and Cultural Policy

Civil Services
Judicial Organisation
The Rule of Law
Equality before Law
Social and Cultural Policy
Humanitarian Measures
Spread of Modern Education

Social and Cultural Awakening in the First Half of the
Nineteenth Century

Rammohun Roy
Derozio and Young Bengal
Debendranath Tagore And Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
Pioneers of Reform in Western India

The Revolt of 1857

The Immediate Cause
The Beginning and Course of the Revolt
The Weaknesses of the Revolt and its Suppression

Administrative Changes after 1858

Changes in the Army
Public Services
Relations with the Princely States
Administrative Policies
Racial Antagonism
Foreign Policy

The Economic Impact of British Rule

Disruption of the Traditional Economy
Ruin of Old Zamindars and Rise of New Landlordism
Stagnation and Deterioration of Agriculture
Poverty And Famines

The Nationalist Movement: 1858–1905

Consequence of Foreign Domination
Administrative and Economic Unification of the Country
Racial Arrogance of the Rulers
Predecessors of the Indian National Congress
The Programme and Activities of the Early Nationalists
Economic Critique of Imperialism
Constitutional Reforms
Administrative and other Reforms
Role of the Masses
Attitude of the Government
Evaluation of the Early National Movement

Religious and Social Reform after 1858

Religious Reform
Religious Reform in Maharashtra
Ramakrishna and Vivekananda
Swami Dayanand and the Arya Samaj
The Theosophical Society
Sayyid Ahmad Khan and the Aligarh School
Muhammad Iqbal
Religious Reform among the Parsis
Religious Reform among the Sikhs
Emancipation of Women
Struggle Against Caste

The Nationalist Movement: 1905–18

Recognition of the True Nature of British Rule
Growth of Self-Respect and Self-Confidence
Growth of Education and Unemployment
International Influences
Existence of An Aggressive Nationalist School of Thought
A Trained Leadership
The Anti-Partition Movement
The Swadeshi and Boycott
The Role of Students, Women, Muslims and the Masses
All-India Aspect of the Movement
Growth of The Revolutionary Struggle
Growth of Revolutionary Nationalism
The Home Rule Leagues
Lucknow Session of the Congress (1916)

The Struggle for Swaraj: 1919–27

The Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms
The Rowlatt Act
Gandhiji And His Ideas
Champaran Satyagraha (1917)
Ahmedabad Mill Strike
Satyagraha Against the Rowlatt Act
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

The Struggle for Swaraj: 1927–47

Emergence of New Forces
Boycott of the Simon Commission
Poorna Swaraj
Nationalist Politics, 1935–1939
The Peasants’ and Workers’ Movements
Congress and World Affairs
People’s Struggle in the Princely States
Growth of Communalism
Post-War Struggle

India's Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra Pdf

History of Modern India Bipin Chandra Previous Edition PDF

  • No of Pages: 305
  • Pdf Size: 3.26 MB

Highlights of the Book:

  • Provides a comprehensive overview of India’s history from the medieval period to the present.
  • Explains the causes and effects of major events in Indian history.
  • Covers the social, economic, religious and political aspects of India’s history in one volume.
  • Helps to gain a deeper understanding of India’s culture, its people and its challenges.
  • Enhances the understanding of India’s current political, economic and social situation.
  • Useful for understanding India’s role in the world, as well as its foreign policy.
  • Provides a comprehensive overview of the Indian Constitution, its evolution, and its features.
  • Helps aspirants prepare for the UPSC Civil Services Exam.

Other History Books from Bipin Chandra

DOWNLOAD PDF – India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipin Chandra

DOWNLOAD PDF – India Since Independence by Bipin Chandra

DOWNLOAD PDF – India After Independence Book by Bipin Chandra

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Get an edge over your competition with our affordable and high-quality study material. With Arihant NCERT Indian History Notes & MCQs, you'll have access to in-depth content and practice questions that will enhance your understanding and boost your confidence.

  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Arihant Experts
  • Pdf Quality: Original


Who is the Author of the Book History of Modern India – 2020 Edition”?


How is the Book “History of Modern India by Bipin Chandra – 2020 Edition helpful for your UPSC preparation?

Provides an in-depth look into the history of modern India
Covers topics relevant to the UPSC syllabus
Includes updated information and current facts related to Indian history
Provides insights into the socio-economic and political developments of India
Includes a detailed discussion of events related to India’s independence
Offers an analytical approach to understanding the historical context of modern India

Tips & Tricks to prepare for Indian History for Competitive Exams like UPSC & other State PCS

Familiarise yourself with the chronology of Indian History.
Create notes or mind maps to summarise important points.
Read NCERT textbooks and related material.
Practise sample questions and mock tests.
Learn important dates and events.
Focus on the recent changes in India’s modern history.
Understand the socio-cultural, political and economic aspects of the Indian history.


When you open the book “Modern India by Bipan Chandra” you will be captured by the way the words are used by the author and the way he presents the important facts about the country. The reader can understand why India is the way it is and what its future holds. The book is a must-buy for every Indian student and every young professional who wants to know more about this country. We hope that this book will help you better understand the world that you live in and the opportunities that it presents. By reading this book, you will be able to better navigate the India of the future and make the most of the opportunities that lie ahead.

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